Dear Pastor, 

I would love to send you a free copy of Pillows For Your Prison Cell today.  I've been humbled by the response of readers from all walks of life.  Here are a couple that have really blown my mind: 

"Mark hit the allegorical bulls-eye.  The plot is simple and clear, and the focus is clearly on the presentation of the gifts and how the echo of temptation leads inevitably to a loss of hope and the indulgence in fantasy.  There is no superfluous description, so the reader caries the weight of the imagination, but there are enough hints and description to prompt a direction.  The dilemma with allegory is keeping the attention of the older readers without losing the younger ones, but like Gulliver's Travels and Hinds Feet in High Places, he's done it."       - Dan Allender, Professor of Counseling Psychology and Founding President The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology

"A deftly told tale about breaking free from the yoke of voracious and unsustainable, media-driven consumerism."     - Kirkus Literary Reviews

"It’s simple, eloquent, and packs a mean punch that sticks with you!"         - Ryan Thompson, Pilot, United Airlines

"It is impossible to put down, sucks you in and hits you in your heart."       - Donovan Mattole, VP of Human Resources for Brenntag

Please complete the form below so that I can send you a free copy of the book and a free copy of No More Pillows, a workbook designed for use in churches, Sunday school, youth groups, small groups and book groups.  I hope the story blesses you and your group.  

          UPward and ONward, 

          Mark D. Bullard